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Conditions of Sale

Terms of Use

Access to and use of “” are activities governed by these General Conditions of Use. Access to this site and its use, as well as the purchase of the products presented therein, presuppose reading, knowledge and acceptance of these General Conditions of Use.

This website is managed and maintained by Officina Italia Srl based in Carvico (BG), via Budriago, 10, 24030 n. REA BG 450563, VAT number IT09706970960.

Changes to the Terms of Use

The Manager may modify or simply update, in whole or in part, these General Conditions of Use. Changes and updates to the General Conditions of Use will be notified and will be binding as soon as they are published on the website in this same section. Access and use of the site presupposes acceptance by the user of these conditions of use.

Responsibility for the use of the site

Access to and use of “”, including viewing the web pages, communicating with the Manager, the possibility of downloading information about the products and purchasing them on the website, constitute activities conducted by the user exclusively for personal uses unrelated to any commercial, entrepreneurial or professional activity. The user is personally responsible for the use of “” and its contents. In fact, the Manager cannot be held responsible for any use of the website and contents that does not comply with current laws by each of its users, without prejudice to liability for willful misconduct and gross negligence. In particular, the user will be the one and only responsible for the communication of information and data that are incorrect, false or relating to third parties, without the latter having expressed their consent, as well as in consideration of incorrect use. of the same.

Any material downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the service is at the user's choice and risk, therefore all responsibility for any damage to computer systems or loss of data resulting from downloading operations falls on the user and cannot be attributed to the Manager. The Manager declines all responsibility for any damage resulting from inaccessibility to the services on the site or from any damage caused by viruses, damaged files, errors, omissions, service interruptions, deletions of contents, problems connected to the network, providers or telephone connections and/or electronic, unauthorized access, alteration of data, failure and/or defective functioning of the user's electronic equipment.

The user is responsible for the safekeeping and correct use of his/her personal information, including the credentials that allow access to the reserved services, as well as for any harmful consequence or prejudice that may arise against the Manager or third parties following failure to correct use, loss or theft of such information.

Privacy Policy

Please refer to the section relating to the Privacy Policy below, which also applies if the user accesses “” and uses the related services, but does not purchase any products.

Intellectual property rights

The contents of "", such as, by way of example and not limited to, works, images, photographs, dialogues, music, sounds and videos, documents, product designs, drawings, the figures, logos and any other material, in any format, published on “”, including menus, web pages, graphics, colors, schemes, tools, fonts and the design of the website , the diagrams, layouts, methods, processes, functions and software that are part of “” are protected by copyright and any other intellectual property rights of the Manager and the other owners of the rights. Reproduction of its contents, in whole or in part, in any form, is prohibited without the express written consent of the Manager. The Manager has the exclusive right to authorize or prohibit the direct or indirect, temporary or permanent reproduction, in any way or form, in whole or in part, of “” and its contents.

With regard to the use of “”, the user is authorized only to view the website and its contents and to carry out exclusively temporary acts of reproduction, without any economic significance of their own, which are considered transitory or accessory, part integral and essential to the very display of "" and their contents and all other navigation operations on the website which are carried out only for legitimate use of the aforementioned sites and their contents.

However, the user is not authorized to carry out any reproduction, on any medium, in whole or in part of “” and its contents. Any act of reproduction must be, from time to time, authorized by the manager or, if necessary, by the authors of the individual works contained on the website. Such reproduction operations must in any case be carried out for lawful purposes and in compliance with the copyright and other intellectual property rights of the manager and the authors of the individual works contained on the website. The authors of individual works published on "" have, at any time, the right to claim authorship of their works and to oppose any deformation, mutilation or other modification of the works themselves including any act of damage caused to the works, that is detrimental to their honor or reputation.

The user undertakes to respect the copyright of those who publish their works on “” or who in any way collaborate with “” in the creation of any expressive and artistic form intended to be published, even not exclusively on the website, or, again, which forms an integral part of it.

Furthermore, the user is not, under any circumstances, authorized to use, in any way or form, the contents of the website and any single work protected by copyright and any other intellectual property right.

Trademarks and domain names

The domain name “”, as well as the other distinctive signs that distinguish the products advertised and sold on “” and present on the website are intellectual property rights owned by their respective owners and are used within of “” for the purpose of distinguishing, describing and advertising the products on sale.

The Manager and all other trademark owners have the right to make exclusive use of the trademarks of their respective ownership. Any use of these brands that does not comply with the law and, in any case, is unauthorized, is prohibited and will be prosecuted according to the law. It is in no way permitted to insert the aforementioned trademarks into new domain names, nor to use said trademarks and any other distinctive sign present on "" to take undue advantage of the distinctive character or reputation of these trademarks or in such a way as to prejudice to them and their owners.

Links to other websites

The “” website contains hypertext links (so-called “links”) to other websites that have no connection with “”. The Manager does not control or carry out monitoring operations on these websites and their contents. The Manager cannot be held responsible for the contents of these sites and the rules adopted by them also with regard to privacy and the processing of the user's personal data during navigation. The user, therefore, is required to carefully read the conditions of use and privacy regulations. These General Conditions of Use and the Privacy Policy of “”, in fact, do not apply to websites managed by other parties other than the Manager. “” provides links to other websites solely to facilitate its users in searching and browsing and to facilitate hyperlinks on the Internet to other websites. The activation of the links does not imply any recommendation or notification from the Manager for accessing and browsing these websites, nor any guarantee regarding their contents, services or goods supplied by them and sold to Internet users.
Anyone interested in activating links to the Home page and other web pages of “”, which are publicly accessible, is asked to contact the Manager at the following e-mail address: in order to request consent to the hyperlink.

The activation of links is granted by the Manager to the applicant, free of charge and on a non-exclusive basis, subject to verification of the applicant's requirements.

The Manager has the right to object to the activation of direct links to its website in the event that the requesting party, who intends to activate the link to "", has in the past adopted unfair commercial practices or practices that do not comply with the uses of sector or actions of unfair competition against the Manager or when the Manager fears that these behaviors may be adopted in the future, or even when the requesting party has adopted, in the past or is feared that he may adopt them in the future, actions discrediting the Manager, your website or services. In any case, the activation of deep hypertext links (such as deep frames or deep links) to “” or the unauthorized use of meta-tags, without the consent of the Manager, is prohibited.

Content warning

The Manager has taken every precaution to prevent the publication on the website of contents that describe or represent scenes or situations of physical or psychological violence or such that, according to the sensitivity of the users of "", could be considered harmful to the civil beliefs, human rights and the dignity of people, in all its forms and expressions.

In any case, the Manager does not guarantee that the contents of the website are appropriate or lawful in other countries outside Italy. However, if such contents are deemed unlawful or illegal in some of these countries, access to the "" website is not recommended and if the user decides to access it anyway, the use he will make of the services provided will be of its sole and personal responsibility.

The Manager has also adopted every useful precaution in order to assure its users that the contents of "" are accurate and do not contain incorrect or outdated information, compared to the date of their publication on the website and, as far as possible, even subsequently.

However, the Manager does not assume any responsibility towards users regarding the accuracy and completeness of the contents published on "", without prejudice to its liability for willful misconduct and gross negligence and except as otherwise provided by law. Furthermore, the Manager cannot guarantee users that the website will operate continuously, without interruptions and without errors or malfunctions due to the Internet connection.
For any problem encountered in the use of the website, contact Customer Service or the following e-mail address: A manager will be available to provide assistance and restore the functionality of access to the website, if this is possible. Likewise, we recommend contacting your Internet service provider or checking that each device for connecting to the Internet and accessing web content is correctly activated, including your Internet browser.

Although the Manager will try to do everything possible to ensure continuous access to its website, the dynamic nature of the Internet and its contents may not allow "" to operate without suspensions, interruptions or discontinuities due to the need to carry out website updates.

The Manager has adopted adequate technical and organizational measures to safeguard the security of its services on "", the integrity of the data relating to traffic and electronic communications with respect to unauthorized forms of use or cognition as well as to avoid risks of dispersion, destruction and loss of data and confidential and non-confidential information relating to its users present on the “” sites, or unauthorized access, or access that does not comply with the law, to the data and information themselves .

Conditions of sale

The offer and sale of products on this website “” are governed by the following General Conditions of Sale.

The products purchased on “” are sold directly by Officina Italia Srl based in Carvico (BG), via Budriagoo 10 24030, n. REA BG 450563, VAT number IT09706970960

Applicability of these conditions of sale

These General Conditions of Sale exclusively regulate the offer, forwarding and acceptance of purchase orders for products on "" between users of the aforementioned site and the Seller.
The General Conditions of Sale do not regulate the supply of services or the sale of products by parties other than the Seller who are present on "" via links, banners or other hyperlinks. It is the user's responsibility to check the conditions of sale before placing orders and purchasing products and services from parties other than the Seller. Officina Italia Srl is not responsible for the provision of services by third parties other than the Seller or for the conclusion of electronic commerce operations between users of “” and third parties.

Through the website “” the Seller offers the products for sale and carries out its electronic commerce activity exclusively towards its end users who are "consumers", i.e. any natural person acting for purposes not related to its commercial activity , entrepreneurial or professional, possibly carried out.

The Seller, therefore, reserves the right not to process orders from parties other than the "consumer" or in any case to orders that do not comply with its commercial policy.

Conclusion of the contract between consumer and seller

The language available to conclude the contract with the Seller is Italian.
Purchase requests from countries not included among those indicated cannot be accepted.
The consumer who intends to place a purchase order for one or more products on "", in order to conclude the purchase contract, must complete the order form in electronic format and send it to the Seller, electronically, following the relevant instructions.

The order form contains a reference to these General Conditions of Sale and to the Information on the Right of Withdrawal, as well as a summary of the information on the essential characteristics of each product ordered and the relative price (including all applicable taxes or duties). , the accepted means of payment and the methods of delivery of the purchased products, the shipping and delivery costs, the conditions for exercising the right of withdrawal and the methods and times for returning the purchased products.

Before proceeding with the purchase of the products, by transmitting the order form, the consumer is required to carefully read the General Conditions of Sale and the Information on the Right of Withdrawal, and may also print, store or reproduce a copy for personal use. .

Before proceeding with the transmission of the order form, the consumer will be able to identify and correct any errors in data entry.
By sending the order form, the consumer declares to have understood and accepted its contents, as well as the General Conditions of Sale and Use, the Privacy Policy and the legislation on the Right of Withdrawal. Failure to fully accept such contents will result in the order not being able to be processed.

Product prices may be subject to updates. The consumer is required to verify the final sales price before submitting the relevant order form.
The contract is concluded when the Seller receives the order form electronically, after verifying the correctness of the data relating to the order.
Once the contract is concluded, the Seller will take charge of the purchase order.

The order form will be archived in the seller's database for the period of time necessary to process the orders and in any case within the terms of the law. The consumer will be able to view the orders placed by accessing his profile and consulting the appropriate section.

The Seller reserves the right not to process purchase orders that are incomplete or incorrect, that do not give sufficient guarantees of solvency or in the event of unavailability of the products. In these cases, the seller will inform the consumer by e-mail that the contract is not concluded and that the Seller has not followed up on the purchase order, specifying the reasons.
If the products presented on "" are no longer available or on sale at the time of the last access to the site or the sending of the order form, the Seller will be responsible for communicating to the consumer promptly and in any case within 14 days starting from the day following the day on which the order was sent to the Seller, any unavailability of the products ordered. In case of forwarding the order form and paying the price, the Seller will reimburse the relevant sum, without being liable for any type of further compensation.

Once the contract is concluded, the Seller will send the consumer, via e-mail, a receipt of the purchase order, which will contain the information already contained in the order form (reference to the General Conditions of Sale and Information on the right of withdrawal, the information relating to the essential characteristics of the product and the detailed indication of the price, means of payment, right of withdrawal and delivery costs).

Characteristics of the goods for sale

On “” only original products are offered for sale bearing the Armysportswear brand and purchased directly by the Seller from Officina Italia Srl and/or manufacturers possibly authorized by the same.
The essential characteristics of the products present on “” are presented within each product sheet. However, the images and colors of the products offered for sale may not correspond exactly to the real ones due to the Internet browser and monitor used.

All products are equipped with an identification tag attached with a disposable seal. In order to exercise the right of withdrawal, it is necessary that the tag and seal are not removed.
The Seller, in the event of exercising the right of withdrawal, has the right not to accept the return of products that do not have the tag or that have been altered in their essential and qualitative characteristics or that have been damaged.

The Seller provides the legal guarantee of conformity on the products in accordance with the provisions of Title III of Part IV of Legislative Decree 6 September 2005 n. 206 (so-called Consumer Code). This guarantee provides that the Seller is responsible for defects of conformity on the products sold that appear within 2 (two) years from delivery of the products. Unless proven otherwise, it is presumed that defects of conformity which appear within 6 (six) months of delivery of the product already existed on that date, unless this hypothesis is incompatible with the nature of the goods or with the nature of the lack of conformity . To take advantage of the guarantee of conformity, the consumer, under penalty of forfeiture, must report any defect in the product purchased to the Seller within 2 (two) months of its discovery. The action aimed at asserting a lack of conformity not maliciously concealed by the Seller expires, in any case, within 26 (twenty-six) months from delivery of the product. In the event of a lack of conformity reported within the established deadlines, the consumer can ask, at his choice, the Seller to repair the goods or replace it, in both cases without incurring any expense, unless the requested remedy is objectively impossible or excessively onerous compared to the other. The consumer may also request, at his/her choice, a suitable price reduction or termination of the contract in cases where repair and replacement are impossible or excessively burdensome, the Seller has not repaired or replaced the goods within a reasonable time. term or the replacement or repair previously carried out have caused significant inconvenience to the consumer. In order to take advantage of the guarantee of conformity, it is recommended to keep and show the product purchase documents. For more information on the legal guarantee of conformity for consumers as well as to take advantage of the remedies provided by the legal guarantee in relation to the products purchased from the Seller, the consumer can contact Customer Service.


The payment methods for the price of the products and the related shipping and delivery costs are indicated in the order form and constitute an integral part of these Conditions of Sale.
If payment by credit card is chosen, the financial information (for example, the credit/debit card number or its expiration date) is directly managed by Paypal.

To protect your security , Officina Italia Srl does not process and does not store payment document data (e.g. credit card numbers), which are processed by the relevant payment service providers. In fact, the actual payment takes place after transferring the User to a protected and encrypted page of the banking service (PayPal Pro). Only once the transaction has taken place, the banking service provider communicates to Officina Italia Srl the outcome of the payment, without providing any information regarding the credit card used. For this reason, Officina Italia Srl has no power over any refusal of the credit card used for payment. Officina Italia Srl cannot therefore be held responsible in any way for direct or indirect consequences deriving from the use of the credit card by the user to make payment for the products and/or services purchased.

Once payment is received, the products ordered on “” will be shipped via express courier.
Delivery times include working days only and do not include holidays.

Right of withdrawal

The consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract concluded with the Seller, without any penalty and without specifying the reason, within 14 working days starting from the day of receipt of the products purchased on "".
It is not possible to change the chosen item with another; only a new order distinct from the previous one can be placed.

To withdraw from the contract the consumer must act as indicated in the appropriate returns section:

  • The costs of returning the purchased products are borne by the buyer.

The Right of Withdrawal - in addition to compliance with the terms and methods described in the previous points - is considered exercised correctly if the following conditions are also fully respected:

  • the return request must be made within 14 working days of receiving the products;
  • the products must not have been used, worn, washed or damaged;
  • the identification tag must still be attached to the products with the disposable seal which constitutes an integral part of the goods;
  • the products must be returned in their original packaging;
  • the returned products must be delivered to the courier within 14 working days from the date on which you received the products.

If the Right of Withdrawal is exercised following the methods and terms indicated, the Seller will reimburse any sums already collected for the purchase of the products according to the methods and terms established.
The sums will be reimbursed as quickly as possible; in any case, within thirty (30) days from the date on which the Seller receives the goods in its warehouses, it will activate the refund procedures, once the correct execution of the withdrawal procedure has been verified.

If the methods and terms for exercising the right of withdrawal are not respected, as specified in this paragraph, the Consumer will not have the right to a refund of the sums already paid to the Seller; however, you will be able to regain, at your expense, the products in the condition in which they were returned to the Seller. Otherwise, the Seller may retain the products, in addition to the sums already paid for their purchase.

Refund times and methods

After returning the products, the Seller carries out the necessary checks relating to their conformity with the conditions and terms indicated in paragraph 6. In the event that the checks are concluded positively, the Seller will send the Consumer, via e-mail, the relative confirmation of acceptance of the products thus returned.
Regardless of the payment method used by the Consumer, the refund is activated by the Seller, in the shortest possible time and in any case within thirty (30) days from the date on which the Seller receives the goods in its warehouses, after verifying the correct execution of the relevant procedure and acceptance of returned products.

If there is no correspondence between the recipient of the products indicated in the order form and the person who made the payment of the sums due for their purchase, the reimbursement of the amount paid, in case of exercise of the right of withdrawal, will be carried out by the Seller, in any case, towards the person who made the payment.
The value date of the credit is the same as the debit; consequently there will be no loss in terms of bank interest.

Privacy Policy

The Consumer can obtain information on the processing of personal data by accessing the following Privacy Policy link.
For any other information on the Privacy Policy you can contact the following email address directly:
Applicable law and dispute resolution
The General Conditions of Sale are governed by Italian law and in particular by legislative decree 6 September 2005 n. 206, on the consumer code, with specific reference to the legislation on distance contracts and the legislative decree of 9 April 2003 n. 70 on certain aspects concerning electronic commerce.

Editing and updating

The General Conditions of Sale may be modified, also in consideration of any regulatory changes. The new General Conditions of Sale will be effective from the date of publication on the site.

Customer service

The consumer can request any information through our assistance services: contact Customer Service

It is also possible to contact the Seller by email at the following email address:

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